Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tieless in Dallas or Chez Badu....

Hey Gang sorry for the delay....  I am very Lazy when it comes to typing...

Sooooo.......  Flying to Dallas after spending time with the wife for two days. Yay!  I basically flew from LA  to Omaha after jamming all night with a certain bad ass musician.(blog later to come....) She was attending her sister's graduation there so I met up with her there.  Had a wonderful two Days in Omaha hung out with the in-laws and whatnot, and hopped on a plane to Dallas.  Land in Dallas, take a freaking $100 cab ride to the hotel, (What?)  just to be greeted by my Tour Manager saying "Yo we about to go to Eryka's.....  OMG!!!  I hurry up to my hotel room and take like a two minute shower,  (which if you've every lived with me you know his is impossible) get dressed and head down stairs.  I run to the Hotel bar take a double shot of Jameson to take the edge off.  We get to Eryka house....  Oh if y'all don't know who I mean by Eryka, I mean Miss Eryka on and on Badu.  She cooked dinner for us and it was dope.  We hung out, partied, ate, and then she spun records to close out the night....  Man it was so SURREAL!!!!

So, the next day is a show day.  Everything is normal so far.  I'm missing something!  Let's see if you can tell.  (I know I've allready given it away but lets have some fun)

One of these trombone players is not like the other...LOL.

As you can see all of the other cool kids are wearing theirs....

Well I ran back too my bus on a set break to find my black tie in my bunk on the tour bus.
I finished out the set fully clothed and had a good time.  We started playing "Tightrope" and to our surprise Eryka Badu came out on the stage to put the cape on Janelle instead of our tour manager.  The crowd went BANNANAS!!!
We finished of the set and had a dope after-party.... Next Stop, Houston!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday at the LA Forum or I got too many hits...

Let me preface this Blog by just saying that these Blogs are not formal literary works.  Only loosely typed stories of my life in Music.  So there are probably millions of errors!  I barely have the time to type them with my two typing fingers of fury....
Pressing Forward.....

Fly out to LA  at 6 AM after playing the House of Blues and hanging out on Bourbon St in New Orleans.
Of course with out any sleep.....  We are flying to the LA Forum to play a show opening up for Prince!  On the flight there I look up out of a sleepy stupor to see none other Stevie Wonder on our flight!  And....... it was his Birthday on top of that!

We sound check and get some food.  I am stoked  to open up for Prince at the LA Forum!!!.  Showtime.  We are on this amazing stage molded in the shape of Prince's Guitar.  We kill.  It was much better than the Madison Square Garden Show.  Okay I'll get to the good Stuff…..

The Purple One himself came out and did an amazing show!  I was right in the front row in a VIP area that he set aside for us.  He played for over Three Hours!!!  He did like at LEAST 8-10 Encores!!!!   He was like "We can be here all night cause I GOT TO MANY HITS!!!!"   WHAT????  I  almost died!  But he's right…..  Then we thought the show was over so we went back to the dressing room and the bar for the after party.  About fifteen minutes later the I hear music coming from the stage.  We run back into the Arena and check it out…  Next song, enter none other than Stevie Wonder!!!!  He got up played his version of Happy Birthday to himself on the Harmonica and then hopped on the Keys and DESTROYED "Superstition".  Oh MY GOD, it was an epic night!   Prince did one more song and called us up on the stage to dance and wave to everyone……  WOW.

It's now two in the morning and after party is jamming…  Prince calls up Janelle and the horns and percussion and we jam for like two hours!  The band was killin!  I took a few solos.  It's pretty intimidating when Prince points at you to take a solo.  But in my head I was just like F*QU%#@* it what to I have to lose…. nothing.  So I played my little heart out.  It was AMAZING!!!!!

4:30 AM…. back to the hotel. Take a shower.  Get Dressed. No Sleep. Hop in a cab to LAX.  Catch a flight to see my Beautiful Wife...

Maybe I'll sleep sometime this year....